Back to Work With a Sniffle

Ah, the first fortnight back in lectures.

I already can tell which modules I’m really going to enjoy, and which ones I’m going to be struggling with over the next academic year.  I love my novel writing modules, not so keen on the 20 credit ones I’ve got to do.

Though last week, I ended up getting Fresher’s Flu, rendering me rather useless in both the academic and employment front. Ironic really, getting Fresher’s Flu in your final year of university.

I came down the Thursday night, and only a week later I’ve properly recovered. It did mean having to miss work, and a couple of classes. It was rather frustrating, as I want to get to every class to learn everything I can before I have to leave university for good.

I’ve started a novel, which I shall talk about more in another post, and am thinking about sorting out my life in general. And preparing for NaNoWriMo.

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